Photo?---> DONE
Audio?---> DONE
No lah! it should be video! And now,the director is on his seat and started to yell to everyone. It's VIDEO EDITING week!
"Berdua Lebih Baik" - A pair work and as usual I am paired with the one and only (no need to tell you right? heehee). This week's task is a combination of photo editig technique and also audio editing technique. If the previous two tasks were quite easy, this time it's a bit challenging. Even though the subject/topic of the video is not related to education at all, I dont mind. Besides, it is only a PRACTICE kan?? Thanx to Cyberlink Power Director and also Windows Movie Maker, we managed to finish the video. There is only one thing matter about the task. The way of submitting it. Submission has always be a problem since the first task we received. One thing I would like to say is, it is good if the way of submission can be thought of earlier. And..think wisely because we don't want to burden others and also ourselves for receiving negative is the link to the video: